Article | Electronic Energy Trading

Article | Electronic Energy Trading
8th December 2015 Atheneum Team


Support Requested:

  • Gain comprehensive overview on the electronic energy trading within the Western European commodities market
  • Identify market structure, location of trading, and electronic trading penetration, drivers & primary providers
  • Ensure in-depth understanding of the strategic business and marketing focus of main traders with a focus on electricity and gas


  • Tapped into the existing Atheneum Expert Platform, complemented with a custom recruitment, and identified senior experts matching the clients requirements
  • Arranged one-on-one conference consultations between client and leading European energy trading experts in the region, including a Senior Coal Traders, Coal Trading Managers, Head of Commodities Markets and Managing Directors
  • Delivered rapid turnaround and ensured seamless end-to-end project management

Insights Gathered:

  • Market trends, growth drivers and participants; Business and market context of electronic trading systems providers
  • In-depth market and business intelligence helped the client to assess market growth opportunities and undertake key strategic steps to substantially increase company’s market share and profit specifically within the electricity gas sector
  • Atheneum completed the project within 2 weeks from its launch, while ensuring highest compliance standards